terrified of a miscarriage (random poem :))
Dear baby, I’ve grown so attached to you, I think about you non-stop, I dream about you, and I always want to buy you stuff already lol, but maybe it’s just me that thinks it may be a possibility that God won’t let me have you? ugh I want to cry, I want to scream, […]

Dear baby,
I’ve grown so attached to you, I think about you non-stop, I dream about you, and I always want to buy you stuff already lol, but maybe it’s just me that thinks it may be a possibility that God won’t let me have you? ugh I want to cry, I want to scream, I never know what to do but all I can do is think about you, but still in the back of my mind every time I start slipping or forget to take a vitamin, I think I’m going to lose you. So I panic and I sit and wait until I have enough faith to believe you’re there. I cry reading people’s stories of losing their babies. The Lord knows I don’t EVER want to lose you. Daddy doesn’t either. You’re something very precious, oh so precious to me. Please little baby, never give up. Anytime you feel you can’t push on any longer, just give me a tap and I’ll make a way, but I’m begging you, never leave me.

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