Need advice
Well, I’m 25. Me and my boyfriend are almost 8 months together. He was my long-lost love and we got back together.  But now the other issue is that he has a son with another girl and this girl is giving him a hard time. She doesn’t want him to see his child, so he […]

Well, I’m 25. Me and my boyfriend are almost 8 months together. He was my long-lost love and we got back together. 

But now the other issue is that he has a son with another girl and this girl is giving him a hard time. She doesn’t want him to see his child, so he is still fighting in court for his son.  So in the meantime, I did get pregnant with his child and he didn’t want the child so I had an abortion because he was very mad, I also had 4 other abortions before this one.  So I am a little touchy about babies and everyone getting married and pregnant, I also want this but he is always fighting with me about everything, including making food. I’m doing everything wrong.  He also at the same time says he loves me and wants to marry me and have a child. But then again, he says he and his son’s stuff is not sorted out yet, “and that can take 2 to 3 years”.  Now the new problem is I think I’m pregnant again, and I don’t want to go through another abortion and I already have depression.  And I’m so scared to talk to him about it. I’m afraid he’s going to fight with me again. I am on birth control pills but something is not normal and it feels like I could be pregnant.

I don’t know what to do or to who I can talk to. I’m already so afraid of him. I’m even scared I’m going to do something wrong so I try to do everything correctly the way he wants it, but always he still fights with me about something else that I did wrong.  Please could you help me with answers?  I can’t really talk to anyone because if he finds out I’m scared, he will fight with me because I’m making our problem other people’s problem. Please Help!

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