I have just found out that I am pregnant. The father and I broke up a few days ago and he keeps telling me to abort this child. I don’t know how to deal with all of this. We were a very happy couple and have been together for some time. He just moved a few hours away to start college and we both knew it was going to be hard. He broke up with me the day I called him to tell him I was pregnant. I didn’t even get the chance to tell him before he told me it wasn’t going to work out anymore. I am now very alone and have no idea what to do. I’m only 20 and don’t want my kid to end up like me, living each day without a father there and trying to figure out what’s wrong with you that he can’t be there. Can someone give me some advice?
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I have just found out that I am pregnant. The father and I broke up a few days ago and he keeps telling me to abort this child. I don’t know how to deal with all of this. We were a very happy couple and have been together for some time. He just moved a […]
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