my story
I found out I was pregnant at 18 and although my parents were not angry, they and my boyfriend at the time said they would like me to get an abortion because I hadn’t finished my education. I know I should have listened to my heart telling me not to. I went ahead and did […]

I found out I was pregnant at 18 and although my parents were not angry, they and my boyfriend at the time said they would like me to get an abortion because I hadn’t finished my education.

I know I should have listened to my heart telling me not to. I went ahead and did it. it also got out in school what I had done and got called baby killer, murderer, to name just a few… I wish people would not be so judgmental about girls in our situation because until you are in that position, you don’t know what to do. and there hasn’t been a day gone by that I don’t think about what I have done. My heart was and still is, broken. The only positive thing was that I found out about 2 months later that my “boyfriend” at the time had another girl pregnant when he was cheating on me and that’s why he had convinced me to get the abortion… Although he was saving his own back (not having 2 pay for 2 children), he broke my heart when I found out after everything I went through. Maybe what I’d done was meant to be…

NOW, I’m with my new boyfriend for a year and a half and am having a baby on the first of July!! And although it still eats me what I did almost 3 years ago, I cant wait to have my little baby.. And my parents are so supportive now because even though this wasn’t a planned pregnancy, I think they realize what happened before killed me inside and this might be the only way 2 ease my pain!! But I like to think of it this way now, if I hadn’t done what I’d done, I wouldn’t have got my degree, wouldn’t have met my amazing boyfriend (who cant wait for baby!!), and I certainly wouldn’t be as happy as I am now…

So girls, there is a reason for everything we do. If it means making the decision I have made in the past, just remember everything happens for the right reason!! 🙂

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