Hey, i am 15 years old, i found out i was pregnant at 14 and i am now 29 weeks and 6 days pregnant.. and i am soooo scared, idk how to be a mom but i do know i love the little girl that is grownin inside of me more than my own life, i've given sooo much up to have her, but it still makes me sad sometimes because i live in a very small town where everyone knows everyone business and i get judged everyday, i have cried myself to sleep so many night it's not funny… but i am raising this child by myself and i worry sometimes will 1 parent be enough? or will my child need more.?.?. I am very blessed to have the parents i do, my dad is very very strict but he is pro-life as am i.. and it took my dad awhile to deal wit me being pregnant at such a young age… but he is bein very supportive and helpful, my mom is an amazin women she's been here for me since the begining.. i am very lucky to be able to be happy about my pregnancy.. but i am here for anyone that wants too talk =) and i will take any free advice…
Maya Angelou – I can’t imagine my life without him
"When I was 16, a boy in high school evinced...