my story
This is my story of how I met and am with the guy I’m having my baby with. I met him on December 4th while hanging with a few of my friends at their house. I barely knew him at the time, but we had sex and I lost my virginity. I thought I was […]

This is my story of how I met and am with the guy I’m having my baby with.

I met him on December 4th while hanging with a few of my friends at their house. I barely knew him at the time, but we had sex and I lost my virginity. I thought I was never going to hear from him again, but a couple of days later, he texted. I asked him about that night asking if he regretted what we did or anything like that. He said no. He said he didn’t regret anything and still wanted to see me, so next weekend he did. Everything was great. I had a new guy in my life and he is amazing. A few weeks ago, he told me he loves me and I love him too. After that, I started feeling funny; nausea in the morning and night and constantly eating. I was afraid I was pregnant so I had a friend get me a test and guess what? It was positive. I still didn’t believe it so I bought another one this weekend. It was still positive. He still doesn’t know I’m pregnant but I’m going to tell him soon. I hope he doesn’t freak out. He’s a lot older than me and I’m not ready to be a mother I think, but honestly, I don’t know. Honestly, I’m kind of excited. All I know is I love my boyfriend and I hope he loves me enough to support me with the baby and we can be a family.

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