Hey guys, it’s been a while
Well right now I am 31 weeks pregnant with my baby………. GIRL!
I’m so excited, but absolutely terrified. They’ve told me I have a high chance of pre-eclampsia since I had my second baby so early because of it last time.
The kids are really looking forward to having this baby. My boy keeps suggesting names of people at his nursery which I think is real sweet. My little girl’s not really said a lot about it, but she kisses my belly every time she goes to bed so I’m taking it as a good sign.
I think that I’ve decided on the name Esme Jade for her, but closely followed is Genevieve Julianna which I adore, but the baby’s daddy really isn’t keen on. I’ll end up getting my way though more than likely!
I’ve finally got back with my boyfriend after almost a year of being ‘apart’, but I still saw him every day so it didn’t make much difference. He’s moved back in and I’m just generally quite busy running the club that he owns. No such thing as a quiet pregnancy in my house!
I’m just terrified of having her early, There’s about a 70 % chance of me getting it according to my checkup, but only around a 20% chance of her being born premature which is my biggest fear. I nearly lost my other girl and I don’t really want to go through all that pain again, especially with looking after two babies this time.
But all in all, I’m so excited