My Family’s Advice

by | 2008 | Dear Becky

I was 17 and pregnant from a one night stand.  My father tried to convince me to have an abortion, I already knew immediately that wasn’t an option for me.  My mother wanted me to give the baby up for adoption.  My Uncle offered to pay for my college (4 year education) if I would give him […]
StandUpGirl woman smiles laying in grass

StandUpGirl woman smiles laying in grass

I was 17 and pregnant from a one night stand.  My father tried to convince me to have an abortion, I already knew immediately that wasn’t an option for me.  My mother wanted me to give the baby up for adoption.  My Uncle offered to pay for my college (4 year education) if I would give him my baby.

Dear Becky — I happened to stumble across your website. I wanted to share my story and I hope it will inspire women and girls in crisis pregnancy situations to remember that you can have your baby and succeed.

I was 17 and pregnant from a one night stand.  My father tried to convince me to have an abortion, I already knew immediately that wasn’t an option for me.  My mother wanted me to give the baby up for adoption.  My Uncle offered to pay for my college (4 year education) if I would give him my baby.

I told everyone the baby is mine – unexpected yes – unwanted never!  I wasn’t doing any of those things I was keeping it.  My parents then put me in a spot, since the baby was mixed, they told me that if I told the father, I was out on the street – I would be homeless.  I had no other choice, so I kept my mouth shut – I was living in another town several hours away and did not tell the dad.  I had my baby and lived with my parents while I went to college and got my associate’s degree.  

While in college, I met a wonderful man.  He loved and my daughter.  He accepted her as his own and we got married.  He adopted her and we have been married for 11 years and together for 14-15 years.  My daughter is now 15 years old.  She is a healthy, well-balanced, beautiful child.  I have three other beautiful and healthy children as well.  I am also currently pursuing my bachelor’s degree.

Please let every girl/woman know that there are resources available to help them.  That there are people who care and love them and will help them out.  I am beginning to slowly become active in volunteering at crisis pregnancy centers.  I hope that I can help girls who were in my situation and had some hard choices to make.

Everyone deserves a chance and I will keep all of them in my prayers.


Dearest Kayla – hi.  My name is Lisa and I help Becky at the Stand Up Girl website with some of her e-mails.

I just loved your story as you are truly a Stand Up Girl!  I do believe that your story will inspire women of all ages to see how important she is … and that no matter what everyone around her thinks … her baby is important too.  That her motherly heart is right in wanting this baby.

Many times we only want the support of those around us that love us.  So when we don’t have that support, we do all we can to ‘gain’ that support.  Even aborting our own child.  But I hope that many read your e-mail and see that she doesn’t have to abort her baby to please everyone.  That she is exactly right in wanting and Standing Up for her baby!

Thank you so much for your e-mail.

Take care

Luv Lisa | .“>.

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