Hi my name is Eunice, and i am a young mom.,my baby's name is sophie and she is the light of my eyes i just cant imagine life without her, although she is only a year and three months she is a very smart girl. on the month of September i learned that i was pregnant again and was shocked, the first thing that came to me was that i couldn't possibly be pregnant again, the second thing was that sophie was going to suffer because she is too little, and third thing was that i we dont have the money to have or even afford another baby. There were so many nights where i couldnt sleep just by thinking about it, my husband was pressuring me to get an abortion and although i wasn't ok with it i agreed to it and well just the thought of it was killing me.i am 19 years old and had sophie on my senior year in high and it was the hardest time of my life, my family turned their back on me and well i was ashamed so i moved in with my boyfriend, graduating and having a baby on the same year was the hardest thing i have done in my life but it only made me stronger. i talked with my family and this time i have their support. i know that im young and that this baby is going to change my plans of going to college or doing anything,i could have done it with just one baby but now two is just too much. but i am confident that i am making the right decision and that i will not have to live with the guilt of an abortion and to me that matters most than what people always say, people usually see everything wrong and well i am a young mother , but only God can judge me and knows why. I put my life on his hands and i know that he will help me.I know that most of you girls out there that just found out that youre expecting are shocked , but a baby isnt going to change your life completely, you can still have a life and well theres so much help out there.
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Okay, so here is my story. I need advice on what...