My Baby Girl’s story

by | 2008 | Real Stories

This is the first time i have shared my story of my pregnancy and my baby girl properly. When i was in College i got pregnant by my long term boyfriend and although a shock at the time we soon became very excited by the prospect of becomming parents, we both love kids and come […]

This is the first time i have shared my story of my pregnancy and my baby girl properly. When i was in College i got pregnant by my long term boyfriend and although a shock at the time we soon became very excited by the prospect of becomming parents, we both love kids and come from large families so new we could do it and have support. Unfortunately the excitment was fairly short lived, at only 24 weeks i stargeted to get cramps, immediately went to the doctors who told me i was going into labour. My heart sank, i new that my baby girl would be too small and was not ready  to come into the world. But there was nothing that could be done when we got to the hospital as i was already 8cm dialated. My baby girl was born on October 4th 2004, we named her Mya, she was so tiny but so beautiful. However, our worst fears were confirmed her little body was too small and fragile to fight for long, she died the same day. Mine and my boyfriends world fell apart, but through everything we had each other and slowly life goes on. It has now been 3 and a half years since our baby girl came into the world and left us, me and my boyfriend are still together and are stronger than ever, there is not a day goes past when we don't think about her, and we hope she knows that we love her and always will. We are beginning to look to starting a family again in the future, but no that no child will ever replace Mya. She will be forever in our hearts and minds and we will always cherish the few precious minutes we had with her.

I no there are girls on this website that have unfortunately been through similar situations, i felt the time was right to share my story and try to help others in the same situation. It anyone needs support or advice, i dont claim to be an expert , but just leave me a messgae.

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