my baby girl!!

by | 2010 | Real Stories

hi my name is lauren and im from ohio and moved to texas 5 years ago!!im 5 months pregnate and im 15 years old ..i gess its  going will..its a girl. me and my boyfriend of 2 years picked a name of layla grace… she is kicking like crazy. i know im young but i have […]

hi my name is lauren and im from ohio and moved to texas 5 years ago!!im 5 months pregnate and im 15 years old ..i gess its  going will..its a girl. me and my boyfriend of 2 years picked a name of layla grace… she is kicking like crazy. i know im young but i have a good family and friends and boyfriend..he was my 1st love and will be my last ,people say god does everythng for a reason. Good luck to all 15 years old moms and of all ages !!! trust In the lord and he will help u thought it all!

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