Lost My Little Angel.

by | 2009 | Real Stories

It’s the worst feeling inthe world.Knowing your baby isent there, that you will never hold him or her.Knowing you might have been able to stop it.I Miss You so much my little angle.I know it could be for the best.I wasent ready for you, you werent ready.I even had names..,Cory Shawden Williams-Norton for a boy.orSanity […]

It’s the worst feeling inthe world.
Knowing your baby isent there, that you will never hold him or her.
Knowing you might have been able to stop it.
I Miss You so much my little angle.
I know it could be for the best.
I wasent ready for you, you werent ready.
I even had names..,
Cory Shawden Williams-Norton for a boy.
Sanity Shawden Williams-Norton for a girl..
i had a little yellow sleeper that said ‘i love my daddy.’
i think thats what got u to change ur mind. you were excited to to be a daddy, i know u said we can try agian.. But that little baby will always be my first.. another baby wont take the place. even though i want to be a mommy so badly..
But for now my little angel, your in space, a soul just looking for a body.
just remember to come back to mommy.
i will always love you. <3

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