I read your story, and… I think I’m in the wrong place. You see I’m suffering from the pain of my own choice. I had a abortion from a one night stand. Like you, was drunk and I don’t even known his last name. All I know is that he was the father ’cause I don’t sleep around!!
I regret it sooooooo much, living in pain, I have turned it inward into myself. I hate myself for having an ABORTION!!! I WANNA DIE! I’m tring to get pregnant again even though I know IT WILL NOT MAKE UP FOR THAT CHILD!! I’m in so much pain its hard to live with myself, please help.
Dear Paige,
I’m Julie from Standupgirl.com. I’m so glad you wrote! It is so much better to talk about this instead of just getting angrier and more depressed. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you are in, as I haven’t had an abortion. But friends have, and I know from them that the pain and guilt can be overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to stay that way! You can find peace and forgiveness. No matter what you have done, and how much you hate yourself, God loves you. He forgives the worst, gives beauty from ashes, makes all things new. And fills sorrowful hearts with joy and peace.
There are millions of women suffering because of abortion. It can help to talk together at an abortion recovery group – you can find one at http://www.abortionrecoverydirectory.org or http://www.afterabortion.org. There is also a great book by Linda Cochran called “Forgiven and Set Free” that you can get at Amazon.com.
And no, getting pregnant again won’t take the place of your aborted child. And it may not make you feel any better, It isn’t fair to your second child to have a mother who isn’t healed and ready to start again. So please, wait to get pregnant.
You can get through this pain, and find life again. If you want to talk to my friend Lisa, who had two abortions, and found peace and healing, you can e-mail her at
. And I’m here if you’d like to talk more.
Dear Julie,
I can’t tell u how much it means to me that u replyed, It means to me that someone does care. and there is hope out there for me. THANK U!! THANK U!! THANK U!!
LUV Paige