I love my little man!
I’m currently 17 weeks, 4 days along! I know I’m only 15…So young, but I really do love my unborn baby boy! He’s everything to me. I’m so happy about this pregnancy. I’m not sad and miserable…I’m proud of this. I’m strong and I’m willing to do this on my own if I have to! […]

I’m currently 17 weeks, 4 days along! I know I’m only 15…So young, but I really do love my unborn baby boy! He’s everything to me. I’m so happy about this pregnancy. I’m not sad and miserable…I’m proud of this. I’m strong and I’m willing to do this on my own if I have to! If my son’s father doesn’t grow up, he won’t have anything to do with his child. My baby will just be MY son!

I couldn’t be happier at school. I have so many great friends, the teachers are fab, and well, my mum couldn’t be better! She’s so strong, for me. She’s the main reason I’m still smiling. I know I’m going to be an amazing mummy, because my little man comes before everything now. He will always be my main priority. I don’t understand why a man wouldn’t want to know their child. It’s crazy! If I ever lost my baby, I’d search for him until the day I died.

Deciding on names is so tricky, I’ve got so many names in my head, but I don’t know what he looks like…Do how can I pick it so it suits him? Hopefully, I’ll pick one after the 4d scan…Get a better look of him. My baby boy is everything to me! I love him!<3

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