Dear Becky — I am a nineteen year old, single, 3 month pregnant girl. I was faced with the decision to have an abortion in March. I chose not to have one. I had an appointment at an abortion clinic in Knoxville and backed out the day before going and decided not to have the […]

Dear Becky — I am a nineteen year old, single, 3 month pregnant girl. I was faced with the decision to have an abortion in March. I chose not to have one. I had an appointment at an abortion clinic in Knoxville and backed out the day before going and decided not to have the abortion.

I actually found your site while searching on the internet the night before my appointment and I cried as I read the stories. I knew deep down I didn’t want to have an abortion but the father told me I had no other choice. I woke up and realized, it was my baby and I had a choice.

My situation was a bad one. I dated the same guy for three years, since I was 16. It was my first love and our break-up left me broken hearted. His guy friend who is quite a bit older than me, came over to talk to me and was supposedly “comforting” me one day, one thing lead to another. He was only the second person I had ever slept with, the first time, and I was on birth control. Not to mention, he was married. I am really embarrassed to admit all of this. Because I promise I’m not a skank or a whore and I know you must be thinking I am. I would probably think that too. But, I just messed up. I opened myself in the most vulnerable time in my life to let the devil have input in my life. Not only was this guy really good friends with my ex who I still do and did love, he was also a very prominent man in my very small hometown, where everyone knows everyone. This man had only been married for three months when we slept together. So, the negatives seemed to out weigh the positives for having my baby. He put all the blame on me for getting pregnant and said having this baby wasn’t an option.

I went to a church service and the Lord spoke right to my heart I knew that I couldn’t have an abortion. I had never thought they was right. But when faced with the decision, you’ll never know what you’ll do. I went to your web site and I read the stories of the girls who had abortions and regretted them. I knew that would be me. I couldn’t go through it. I knew if I had an abortion that my life would fall apart, and that would be the beginning of my troubles.

So, I told the dad we would keep him being the dad a secret . I would never tell anyone he was the dad and I would deny him being the dad forever. He said as long as I kept it a secret for life it was fine.

As, I said I live in a verrry small town. And of course the father of my baby isn’t a secret anymore. And you know what, it isn’t the end of the world. Everyone is so supportive of me. They all just praise me for the brave desicion I made on keeping my child. The devil didn’t show me people being happy for me. He showed me misery and despair. All of my friends are so excited. Even my parents are happy and are going to help me 100%. Oh and guess what! My mom is pregnant too! We are 1 month apart! God does peculiar things.

The dad isn’t playing a part in my life. He calls every now and then to make sure Im okay. But, he really doesn’t want anything to do with my child. But, you know who is calling, my first love. And he knows who the daddy is. He is hurt this has happend to me, but he is being so great to me. I don’t need the dad of my baby and my baby doesn’t either. God will send someone to love me and my child and be a a great daddy to my child.

I couldn’t find how to tell my story on your site. Because I would like to share it, if I could just encourage one person not to have an abortion, I would. The circumstances may seem terrible but, if they could just see all that I’ve been through and how everything has turned out okay. Its a life inside you, and God has put it in you and chose you to be the mother for a reason. It may seem like the end of the world and abortion may seem like the only option but if you choose to have your baby, you’ll never regret it once. I am so glad I chose to keep my baby. I just want to thank you for your site. I just want you to know your site had an influence on me keeping my baby. You should be so proud of that. I am thankful for people like you. Thanks.


Dear Anne,

I am so incredibly happy to hear of the life giving choice that you have made! I can’t stop smiling. You have overcome so many obstacles already.You will be given the strength and courage you need to continue to stand up and be the best mother you can be! God will give you everything you need, every step of the way. Trust in Him. He will never let you down. That is so cool that your mom is expecting a baby, too. I’m sure you will become even closer to her as you walk this road together. I am so glad to hear that you are getting so much support. Even if the baby’s father isn’t there for you, there are so many others that are. That will mean a lot to you in the days ahead. Thank you so much for writing in and sharing your story with us. You are truly a witness…we should never give up hope. No matter how dark or frightening our situation seems…if we only persevere and choose what is right…there is a light at the end of that tunnel. May your life be blessed abundantly as you embark on this exciting journey of motherhood!

love standupgirl becky


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