Well, I just turned 18 and I started dating this boy in the beginning of Aug of this year.
The only bad part about dating him is I don’t know if I love him. One night, we were hanging out and getting drunk. And well, you know what happened. We ended up sleeping together on the 8th and on the 19th. I didn’t think anything of it. A few weeks down the road, me and my mom were talking about babies and how you know that you’re prego… That day, me and him went to the dollar store to buy a test. The next morning, I took it and it came out pregnant. I started talking to Mom again and I showed her the test. She took me to Walmart to buy another test and sure enough, it came out saying I am prego. I got my mom to take the other test, just to see if it was true, cuz I was freaking out !!!! And her’s came out not prego. I started to cry and called and told him… but the problem is I don’t love him but I haven’t told him and I’m 6 weeks and 2 days. I don’t know if I’m wrong for just being with him cuz of the baby????
Please help me.