I’m Pregnant Conversation with my Parents

How do I tell my parents I’m pregnant?

Telling your parents “I’m pregnant” can be a challenging conversation but approaching it with preparation can make it easier.

Here are some steps you could follow:

  1. Choose the Right Moment:
    • Find a time when your parents are likely to be calm and not distracted by other concerns. Avoid times when they might be stressed or in a hurry.
  2. Prepare Yourself:
    • Think about how you want to convey the news. Practicing what you want to say can help you feel more confident. Consider writing down your thoughts or even rehearsing with a friend.
  3. Be Honest and Direct:
    • Start the conversation with something straightforward like, “Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you about something important.” Then, clearly state, “I’m pregnant.”
  4. Be Prepared for Their Reaction:
    • Their initial reaction might be shocked, anger, or sadness. Give them time to process the information. They might need a moment before they can respond constructively.
  5. Show Responsibility:
    • Explain what you’ve thought about or planned concerning your pregnancy. Whether it’s continuing your education, career plans, or how you intend to manage childcare, showing that you’ve considered your next steps can reassure them.
  6. Express Your Feelings:
    • Let them know how you feel about the situation. Are you scared, excited, or uncertain? Sharing your emotions can help bridge understanding.
  7. Discuss Support:
    • Ask for their support or advice. Even if they react negatively at first, they might be more supportive once they’ve had time to adjust. Discuss what kind of help you might need from them.
  8. Plan for Future Conversations:
    • This might not be a one-time talk. Be open to further discussions where you can address more details, answer their questions, and work through any concerns.
  9. Have Someone Else There (if necessary):
    • If you think having a supportive friend or partner present might help, consider asking them to join you. However, this should be based on your comfort and relationship with your parents.
  10. Be Patient:
    • Give them time to adjust to the news. Their initial reaction might not reflect their long-term feelings or support.

Remember, the goal is to communicate openly and honestly while also being prepared for a range of reactions. If the conversation becomes too heated or unproductive, it might be wise to suggest revisiting the topic later when emotions have cooled down. Also, consider the support you might need a follow-up conversation, whether it’s from friends, other family members, or professional counselors.

Children Are a Precious Parenting Blessing Despite the Chaos

Parenting can often feel chaotic and overwhelming, like trying to wrangle squirrels in a storm. There are messes, sleepless nights, and moments that seem trivial or even futile. But God reminds us that children are a heritage from Him (Psalm 127:3), a gift that carries eternal significance. Parenting is not a distraction from God’s work but one of the most important missions we can undertake. Through the struggles, parents rely on God daily, demonstrating to their children how to trust and persevere in faith. Children are not burdens; they are blessings, likened to arrows in a warrior’s hand (Psalm 127:4), prepared to make an impact for eternity.

Though it may feel discouraging at times when a toddler won’t listen or a child can’t sit still it’s important to remember that God uses these very moments to shape parents and their children for His purposes. Raising children builds resilience, patience, and reliance on God’s strength. Furthermore, the investment we make in their lives will outlast any worldly success or recognition we could achieve. Our efforts to guide them in faith prepare them to be impactful agents of God’s love and truth in the world.

Parenting can feel like a thankless task, but the reward is great. Children, in themselves, are the prize. Their eternal souls are entrusted to us to nurture and guide. While the world might prioritize careers, accolades, or material success, raising faithful, joyful, and wise children is an accomplishment that matters forever. Even when the challenges seem insurmountable, we can find joy and fulfillment in knowing that we are partnering with God in shaping lives that will influence eternity.

When the chaos feels overwhelming, remember that God sees the deep value in raising children. Embrace the messiness of parenting as part of His beautiful plan for both your life and your children’s future. Through the ups and downs, God equips you to nurture and release these precious arrows, ready to make a difference in the world.


This post is compliments of Faith Activist.

Read more posts on FaithActivist.com Here.

Blessed By Two Mothers

My two Mothers shared gifts of life and love,
Each in her own way.
One mother shared her life with me,
My other Mother gave me life.

Two unique and beloved women,
Both said, “Yes”,
Though they never met,
Their lives became forever intertwined.

I became the connecting fabric of this Tapestry they began,
Lovingly and intricately continuing to be added to, day by day.
Fashioned to reflect the beauty and generosity My Two Mothers.

Though both have passed,
I thank the Good Lord for the gift of My Mothers,
He must have known that one was not enough,
And so, he gave me two.

Written by Diane
August 3, 2024

Sylvester Stallone Reveals His Mom Tried to Abort Him

During the interview, they asked their father about his tough upbringing, including that his mother, Jackie Stallone, “was nervous” to have him — and this interaction revealed something they didn’t expect.

“You had said that your mom was nervous to have you,” said Sistine. “She didn’t want you, right?”

“Not at all,” replied Stallone. “My mother would say, ‘The only reason you’re here is because the hanger didn’t work’ or ‘bouncing down those steps didn’t cause you to get lost.’” Based on these remarks, it sounds as if Stallone’s mother had tried to kill him in at least one, perhaps multiple, DIY abortion attempts.

At this revelation, his daughters were visibly shocked, with Sistine’s jaw dropping open.

He added, “And she said that, ‘You know, truthfully, Sylvester … you know, if there was really something wrong with your brain, I would have definitely opened up the window and put you on the windowsill and let you freeze because I’d be doing you a favor.’”

Sophia replied, “What type of mother says that to their child?”

Stallone, however, with compassion, went on to offer an explanation for his mother’s abortion attempt as well as the emotional abuse and neglect she inflicted on Stallone during his childhood.

“My mother, she was was a troubled person. She was put into an orphanage, you know, and a very cruel orphanage because her father had remarried and the new stepmother hated her,” he explained. “And I think my mother was also kind of rebellious. So she was put into an orphanage that — it’s unlike the ones they have today. It was, you know, you’re tied to the bed, you’re whipped, and you’re… she was terribly molested. And I think her ability to ever show love was short-circuited. She literally couldn’t stand to be touched or touch at all. I mean, not even a hug.”

He said this affected his own relationships, as he didn’t like to be touched either — because “affection…was so alien” to him that it made him uncomfortable.

Though seemingly unrelated to the abortion attempts, Stallone reportedly had a traumatic birth as well. The doctor used a pair of forceps to deliver him, which severed a nerve on his face and paralyzed the left side of his lip, chin, and part of his tongue, causing his face to droop.

“Even though she was nine months pregnant, she kept riding around on the bus,” he said of his mother and his birth. “And she went into labor. Somebody was smart enough to get her off the bus, they carried her into a charity ward. And that’s where I was brought into the world via this accident, which kind of paralyzed all the nerves on the side of my mouth. So I was born with this snarl.”

Stallone’s story shows that a mother’s opinion on whether or not she ‘wants’ her child has nothing to do with the child’s humanity, right to life, or value. Stallone’s daughters — who would not exist if Stallone’s mother had successfully killed him — clearly want him as their father.

Stallone is not alone. He survived an attempted self-abortion prior to the legalization of abortion in the United States, and babies are still surviving abortions today. Many are left to die, some are killed, and some are saved and adopted, and speak out against abortion.

Only a handful of states require instances of abortion survivors to be documented, but Live Action News found 220 cases of abortion survivors reported from 1999-2023 in just eight states. Because of a failure to require states to report abortion statistics or survivors, and abortionists’ attempts to hide their ‘failed abortions,’ that number is almost certainly substantially higher.

By Nancy Flanders | August 28, 2024 | LIVEACTION NEWS

Read and watch full interview here