Father Wants No Baby
Hey Becky, i emailed you around 7 weeks ago when i had first found out i was pregnant and the father didn’t want anything too do with it and i felt confused and alone and not sure weather too go through with the pregnancy, I listened too my heart and i am now 13.5 weeks […]

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Hey Becky,

i emailed you around 7 weeks ago when i had first found out i was pregnant and the father didn’t want anything too do with it and i felt confused and alone and not sure weather too go through with the pregnancy, I listened too my heart and i am now 13.5 weeks pregnant and couldn’t be more excited :)…

The father still wants nothing too do with the baby and that does upset me alot as my baby wont have a father and i have also lost my best friend, but when i saw my babies heart beating on the scan and saw its little body i knew i made the right decision by keeping the baby,

I want too thank you for this website as it has helped me a lot and when i feel down in the dumps i come on here and read peoples stories and it always makes me feel better, just cant wait too meet my little one.

Thank you, Brittany

Hi Brittany,

Yes, I spoke with you in September when you were going through everything with your boyfriend.  Thank you so much for writing back and updating me on your situation.  I am so, so happy that you have decided to choose life for your child.  You have made such a great decision.  Parenting is hard but as you already know it is the right decision.  You have so much to be proud of.

Could we have your permission to put your story on the website?

Thank you so much for the update.  I appreciate it so much!

Much love,


 Yes of course you can, i hope my story will help other people who have too go through it without a husband too know it is possible and too know they are never alone, i have got a fantastic bunch of family and friends who are supporting me so much, making it that much easier

 Hi Becky,

I emailed you months ago about the struggles of being pregnant and on my own.

I am now proud to say that i am a mother of a gorgeous young man named Noah Jay born 27-04-2011

He is the light of my life so proud of him we are now one little happy family and i wouldn’t change a thing.

Thank you for this website as it helped me make the right decision and now i have a son, a son i thought i would never had.

Thank you, Brittany

Hi Brittany,

I’m sorry I only just now received your email.  I feel terrible that I am responding a month later.

I am so happy to hear that your had your baby!  That is wonderful news!  You have so much to be proud of.  Tell me how being a parent is going.  Is it harder than you thought?  Is it different than what you expected or is it the as you expected?  Let me know how you are doing with the adjustment.

Would you feel comfortable sending a pic of your baby?  I would love to see him?  If you don’t feel comfortable with that, just let me know.  We don’t want you to do something that you feel uncomfortable with.

It’s great to hear from you.  Thank you so much for emailing back and letting me know how you are doing.  It’s great to hear from you.

Much love,


 Hi April,

Thats fun, Noah is now 6 weeks old and it is a lot harder than i had ever anticipated, He was born with very severe Colic and has been on many different things we are currently on Gaviscon and it has  helped him a bit which is great, I am extremely proud of my son even through all the crying i would never change my decision on keeping him as he is my life and i wouldn’t know what too do without him and i felt that way the moment they laid him on me

it is a major change as i was a bit of a party girl before i got pregnant and now partying is the last thing on my mind i enjoy being at home with my boy even through all the sleepless nights hehe

Attached is a picture of Noah he was born 27 April a whopping 9 pound he was a natural birth with nothing but some gas too ease the contractions.

im so proud of him my pride and joy 🙂 I’m Proof Being a solo parent you can do it!!!!!


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