Considering My Options cont.
Two days ago, I told my parents that I am pregnant at 17. They kicked me out and I  am living with my boyfriend’s family now. It hurt so bad when I told them. My dad screamed at us. He told me to get rid of it and when I said no, he told me […]

Two days ago, I told my parents that I am pregnant at 17. They kicked me out and I  am living with my boyfriend’s family now.

It hurt so bad when I told them. My dad screamed at us. He told me to get rid of it and when I said no, he told me to get out. My mum tried to make him calm down, but it didn’t work. I got angry at him then I told him that at least I will be nice enough to my kid if I keep it to not kick them out if they were pregnant. I had already packed my bags because I knew they would kick me out. So I left that night I left them a letter saying how much I loved them and how sorry I was and I left a picture of my ultrasound as well with the sentence “This is the grandchild you just kicked out”. I felt so depressed I could barely eat the first day but then I told myself that I had to eat for the baby so I am. I still don’t know what I am going to do with the baby later, but if I give it up, it will be an open adoption. I will not abandon my baby like that. The worst part of this is the looks I get when people see me like I am a freak, but I must keep strong.


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