baby boy xx

I lost my baby boy a few years ago and now, I want a baby more than ever. xx

Please Help

Hi. My name is Monique and I am a teen mom. I feel society has brainwashed people into believe that teen pregnancy is horrible and unforgiveable. Because of my feelings I decided to do a report in my English class to try and understand how something that was done years ago (getting married and starting a family at a young age) became so very wrong. Please write to me expressing your true feelings about being pregnant, raising children, or having abortions so I can open my eyes or others to how teens really feel about pregnancy.


twinstwinstwinstwins! o god help us now!

not a day goes by..


I hope you can forgive for what I have done . I do love you I really do. Not a day goes by when I dont think about you. I always wonder what you would be like and what you would look like. I wish I could have held you in my arms. I’m sorry. I wonder what it would have been like with just me and you, cuddling and playing all day long. I love you so much, I always want you to know that. Walking into that hospital knowing that I will never get to see you or hold you just once. I know you would have been the most beautiful little boy or little girl. I will never see you walk your first steps or say your first words. I wish I could have seen you grow up. Just know that you are always in my heart and not one day will I ever go without thinking about my baby girl. I knew in my heart you were going to be my baby girl. I love you so much. Please forgive for what I have done to you and not giving you the chance, but you must know that I did this for you. I couldnt have given you the best, which you deserve. <3


if i could turn back time…. :'((((

I’m almost 18 and I just had an abortion on the 20th of Feb, not by choice. It was my boyfriend who said to do it because we couldn’t do it.

He’s the only guy I’ve ever had sex with so I didn’t know what to do… Well, I made the biggest mistake of my life; I had an abortion at 7 weeks and 4 days. And I can tell you, anyone wanting to get an abortion to really think about this and not be pressured. No one in my family knows so I’m pretty much on my own through everything, I cried myself to sleep last night feeling like a murderer. A murderer of an innocent baby… MY BABY….

IDK how girls do this, mentally idk how i can get through this i cant really depend on my boyfriend becasue all hes worried about is the sex because i told him no more since mentally i cant do this again and i WONT do it again.. i feel all alone.. im feeling every emotion except the happy ones. i dont feel relieved, or glad, or free, i feel i failed as a person. i feel i took an innocent life who didnt ask to be brought into the world… i feel miserable. i keep replaying the day in my head over and over.. i got the ultra sound and saw my baby and i cried. then went to the operation room.. ive never prayed so hard in all my life. i changed into the gown prayed one last time ,said goodbye to my baby and the procedure begain…. i cant believe myself for what ive done.. i will never be the same again. and going through this alone is nearly killing me..  no girl  should have to endure such pain and the guys just dont understand the bond of a mother and her baby, he called it an “it” i never did. it was my baby, a part of me, i carried it for 7wks and 4days and the thought of it growing and never knowing that the 20th of feb would be the day i gave my baby wings just breaks my heart into.. mentally idk how i can take much more…
anyone who has been in my shoes please tell me how your dealing with this please..

clearing some thoughts…

I have decided on aborting.

I’m somewhere between 12-16 weeks. At times, I feel as if though I have waited too long to proceed with what I have set my mind to. I’ve dealt with the crankiness, my body is going through unexpected changes, backaches, cramping, the works, to put it all in a nutshell.

Still, with all of this, I am afraid, just of the process in general…