
by | 2009 | Real Stories

just a quickie as im off to bedi-byes. im ajimajay [ajay] im 21 years young [22 soon!] and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and am also 18weeks expecting with a son. i was with their father for 5 years, but recently he split as he couldnt handle my hormones, but they were explained […]

just a quickie as im off to bedi-byes.

im ajimajay [ajay] im 21 years young [22 soon!] and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter and am also 18weeks expecting with a son.

i was with their father for 5 years, but recently he split as he couldnt handle my hormones, but they were explained after 10 weeks of madness by me finding out i was pregnant, the day i was going to propose to him [ day before my 21st birthday] but he couldnt handle it, and so left us. at the moment after 7 weeks of not talking we are trying to work things out so hopefully we will.

im trying to better my life and in september 08 i decided to go back to work and college [not knowing i was preggers] and am doing a 3 year course in childcare and preschool education. just finished one exam =) but at the min im finding it hard going in and going to work as im having terrible morning evening and night sickness lol. and so cant be bothered with college in the morning as i know im gunna spew on the way there!

thats all about me for now, off to bed!

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