when i frst found out i was pregannat i was amazed shocked considering i was only 16 =S. my heart dropped when the first thing my mum said was get an abortion i was devisted….. having emotional thoughts of what i was going to do was just crazy i constantl;y though of having an abortion but i just couldn’t do i….. i told my partner who i was with at the time her dad… he wallked out of my life and said you kno what you have gotta do =S so when i was pregannat i ahd no support i got kicked out of home at 12 weeks into the pregnancy so.. i was by my self with onli with some friends beside me…… my life changed completly ….. and when i was due and had baby isabella my mum….and the rest of my friendsthe rest of my family who abandede me when i was pregannat came back to me when she was b0orn and realised that i saved a life i had my baby its not my babys fault i fell preganat shes insenct i said it was my faultm my mistake but shes not a mistake and if she wwere to be called that she was a damn good one……. i would never have given isabella up she is my world and i wouldn’t change that at all. just don’t let somethign go if your going to regrat letting your little one go… because i thought about it and there was no way i could get ridof the little person growing inside of me … =) and now i get to hold my little baby girl everyday and ….. shes just always going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me xx
There Is Help For YOU
The pressure of an unplanned pregnancy can leave...