I’m trying to concieve.
2 years ago, I was in a relationship with a guy who I thought I was in love with. We were on and off for the remainder of the relationship.
Anyway, we were having a lot of problems and arguments and we decided to call it quits. We broke up and I was feeling very depressed and low because I gave this guy everything. I was hurting and wanted to go out and forget about him, so I went out with my friends and we went to a club. I got completely drunk as you do when you’re upset and I was feeling sorry 4 myself. I thought what did I do wrong and started blaming myself. I passed out in my friend’s car but I still have flashbacks from that night.
Anyway, to cut a lonng story short, I was taken to my ex’s house where I must have passed out and when I woke up, I was naked in his bed and he wasn’t there. I was confused, I thought I got taken home so you can imagine my shock. I called him and he told me my friend dropped me off at his and he let me stay, he undressed me and let me sleep off the alcohol.
6 weeks later, I had no sign of a period and was just thinking I was under stress from the break up so my period was delayed. But then months went by and I thought this was weird so I decided to take a pregnancy test with my best friend and it came back positive. I was so happy as when I was healing from my ex, I had met a nice guy and we started to see each other and we had sex once and I thought I was pregnant by him. I called my boyfriend and told him I was pregnant and he was happy. So I went to the doctors and they confirmed I was pregnant but I was 14 weeks pregnant. I was confused because I slept with my boyfriend once and it was 2 weeks ago. This didn’t make sense. I asked my doctor to check again and he told me I was almost 4 months pregnant. I was in oar, I thought no way, this can’t be right. So I had to retrace my steps back to the beginning and how I could and how I got pregnant. So I called my ex and asked him if anything happened that same night I was at his. He told me no and I told him well I’m pregnant and he told me well yeah, we had sex.
I told him I didn’t remember having sex at all and he told me I did and then it added up.