I met my Baby’s dad back in Nov. We were getting along great or so I thought.
Then in Jan, he broke up with my via TEXT message… Ya, I know coward, right. Well 2 weeks go by and he starts sending me text messages, calling me and saying how he wanted to get back together, so stupid ME, I let him back in my life. Then by the 2nd week in Feb. , I found out I was 6 weeks prego. I told him about it and he was all excited, wanted to do whatever it took to make sure things would work out. Well, he works night and I work days, both full time and so we NEVER see each other, maybe twice a week IF that. So it has really put a strain on us, more me than him cause of the emotional roller coaster that pregnant women get to go through (ugh). He does not understand what that’s about and thinks that I am just being a bitch or am being moody for no reason, then wants to fight with me about it. So to say the least, we have not been getting along.
He has no idea what its like. Being by yourself at night, feeling your baby move and having no one to share it with, or when I am crying, no one to cry to, or when I am happy, no one to share that with, just me and my unborn son. I am now 24 weeks into this and last week, he tells me that he just wants to be friends. WTF?! Are you kidding me right now, is what is going through my mind. He says he wants to be friends, but that he wants to come around and do his part, so in my mind I am thinking oh yea, where the hell have you been for the last 24 weeks. I have done it alone thus far, I guess I really don’t need you now. Yes, I am hurt, pissed, and REALLY feel all alone now. I moved back with my mom and told him that I would call him in about 15 weeks when our son came. He didn’t like that but you know what at this point, why should I care? He has not been here, so what…. I have so much resentment towards him right now, that I think, ….as much as it hurts….That he just not come.
I am not very happy!