I couldn’t wait anymore.
I just HAD to find out. I thought it would be too early, it’s only been about 2 weeks since it happened. But I read about the first response tests and I had to see it. I had to know. I tested positive around 6:00 pm on January 7 for my first baby. I’m only 16, but I’m taking care of my responsibility with my boyfriend. Only obstacle I now face is telling my mom and daddy…
What’s gonna happen ???
Jaylen Noel
Xavier Allante
Romeo Edward
Ileana Malese
Yazmina Kay
Brooklyn Marie
**favorites are bolded**
So meh &n& my boyfriend have been together for about 2 years.
We met when we were 13 &n& made it official a lil aftuh we turned 14. We’ve been through hell &n& back, dayum near literally. &n& even though we ain’t perfect, I’m totally alriqht with dhat cuz ain’t no type relationship perfect. But we’re happy &n& we might be having a baby on dha way soon! We have dha support of our friendsz &n& a lot of our family &n& dhatsz really all we need. We have dha money &n& we’re pretty stable, &n& even though we’re younq, we know what we’re doing. . .;
We’ve had 3 scaresz previous to dhisz ,but dhisz time, we think it’sz actually qonna happen but we’re ironically not scared. I’ll be movinq in with hisz mom &n& him in about 3 monthsz if dha test comesz out positive. But if it doesn’t, dha disappointment’ll fade &n& we’ll qo on wit our livesz. I’m not afraid ,&n& I’m not alone. Abortion isn’t an option &n& hopefully, my baby’ll be healthy. I plan ta do cyber skoolinq if I’m positive ,&n& smokinq &n& drinkinq won’t be a part of meh anymore.
I’m not confused. I don’t have a quilty conscience about it. I’ve hopefully been blessed with a baby &n& I hope to be a qreat mother even if I’m only a teenaqer. I still qotta lot of growing up ta do, but I’m learninq quick enouqh. I don’t want people ta judqe meh ,because nobody knowsz meh, therefore i’m dhat unpredictable. Therefore, I’m my own person.
THEREFORE, no one has dha riqht ta judqe someone like myself.
So I had dhisz dream dhe othuh niqht. Ironic little thinq, but I think it could be a messaqe.
I was wobblin across dha street ta Applebee’s (whea muh man worksz lOl] &n& I walked in, yay, biq huqe belly &n& people just kept askin meh how far alonq I was &n& dha due date. Dhen it skipped to when I was in labor. My boyfriend was spazzin out when he seen dha babys head <3 . Dhen it skipped up aqain ta whean we was takin our first trip ta kindergarden, walkin into dha classroom, full of toys &n& wat not .
&n& quess what !!!