Yesterday, 1-18, I had an ultrasound. I’m 21 weeks and 6 days today.
I was in there for an hour, looking at all my baby’s organs to make sure everything is functioning right, and thankfully, my baby is perfectly healthy. And of course, my baby is a very active little one so we didn’t get to find out what it was until the last 5 minutes of the ultrasound, and low and behold, it was a little baby girl.
I’m naming her Ava Faith and I can’t wait to meet her.
So I’m now 20 weeks and 6 days pregnant and everything was going really well.
My baby has a strong heartbeat of 147 and it moves around all the time, But I’m having this uncontrollable pain. So I went to the doctor’s and he thinks I could be having premature contractions. But he couldn’t tell me for sure because my cervix was closed. Now I have to wait a couple more days to see if the pain will go away with meds and a heat pack and so far it’s not really working all that well. So if the pain is there throughout tomorrow, I have to call my doctor’s office again and hope that they can get me to an ultrasound to make sure everything is going smoothly with the baby.
A little worried about the premature contractions and just hoping it’ll get better. I love my baby<333
So I’m 16 and pregnant. When I first found out that I was going to be a mother, I was scared to death.
I didn’t know what to think. But I went to the doctor’s to figure out if the home test was right and it was. I then switched my doctor over to my OB-GYN. I told him I didn’t know how far along I was so he sent me two mayo and came to find out I was 8 weeks and 5 days. I got to see and listen to my baby’s heartbeat and for some reason, that made being pregnant not such a bad thing. It helped me realize everything would be okay. So my due date is May 26. I had my 13-week appointment with my doctor and when he went to find the heartbeat, he couldn’t find it. That was the scariest thing I think I’ve ever been through. I grew to love my baby and the thought I could lose it was so sad. He set me up for an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. The baby’s father went with me and supported me and was there to see his baby for the first time ever. We were both hoping and praying for the best and that’s what we got. We could see the baby moving all around and once it stayed still, we could see the little flickering heartbeat and than the sound. It felt so good to hear the sound and to know everything was alright. I found out that I’m now 13 weeks and 1 day…
Now I’m 14 weeks, 5 days and cant wait to find out what my little one is =]…… I’m in love with being a mom.