I’m Back
I had my abortion on December 1st. I joined the site and was actively a part of it for a few weeks, but then I believed I was beginning to heal, so I stopped coming back.
Literally only a few days after my abortion, my sister-in-law told us she was pregnant. I talked with a few people about it, including my sister and friends, and we talked about the possibility of reincarnation. Maybe after my baby left me, it found her. If I had stayed pregnant, I would have been having the baby in July, this month. My sister was supposed to be having her baby in September, but he made an early arrival on July 10th at 2:35 in the afternoon. I cannot help, but think that maybe I and this baby will have a special relationship. I don’t know, thinking like that kinda scares me a bit.
I have been thinking about my baby all month. I can’t believe how quickly July came. I thought the pain would go away, but I cannot forget about the life that I took away, and I hope I never will. In April I got a tattoo that says, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always.” I got the tattoo for many reasons, including my baby who I will never forget about.
Hoping for the best for all the girls. <3