how could you


The best thing that has ever happened to me is my boyfriend. We have had sex in the past and decided to do it again. I’m 13 years old and he is 14. I know we are very young, but I’m pregnant. I have the symptoms; heartburn, peeing a lot, fatigue, major abdominal pain, and nausea. I will be about 2-3 weeks prego, I’m not sure. I would never ever consider abortion. And my sister is taking me to a Planned Parenthood by my house. Then buying me a few extra tests, just in case it shows up negative. And that’s not right. No rude comments, this is my baby and I’m gonna keep him/her. If I am stupid enough to mess up and create him/her, then I will raise her. Therefore, she is my child!

Next year, I will go to a school that allows you to have your baby there because it’s for young mothers. But the hardest thing I’m gonna have to do is tell my mother.

idk what to do

I’m 12 years old and I’m pregnant. I don’t know what to do at all.

I think I love my boyfriend and he said if I decided to keep it, he would be here for me.