35 weeks and baby Dad is a druggie

I’m relieved the charges have been dropped with my baby dad is a druggie. He has a new place just down the street. We are getting ready for the baby! We still don’t know the sex of the baby yet, Its gonna be a surprise :). Tuesday was Brandon and I  first prenatal class together and even though June 9th he promised me he would quit smoking weed, He came over baked as hell. I’m pretty upset that he hasn’t quit yet, he’s going to be a dad in a month and I’m not sure if he gets my point, I don’t want my baby being around someone under the influence like I was when I was just a baby. If he doesn’t quit now I don’t see him quitting when the baby comes, which I’m really worried about. Thing’s have been going really good lately next to the drugs. But when is he going to see that he’s going to be a father when the day comes? is it going to be to late to quit , since pot releases stress, I’m hoping he doesn’t flake out on me when he gets frustrated. I’m seeing it as if he doesn’t quit now and get it out of his system so he doesn’t crave it before the baby comes, He won’t seem so depended on weed to calm him down. I want the baby and I to be the one he run’s to when he’s down or frustrated..

Being the older sister and soon to be mother.

Hello, I’m 16… I’m 32 weeks pregnant and very excited…

I’m still so very young, but I’m taking responsibility for this little one… I’ve been with the dad for a year now… We are deeply in love… Me and him have done tons of baby shopping and he got a new place that is stable for us and the baby… Since we have met, we haven’t gone more than a day without seeing each other…  He’s 21. The age doesn’t bother me or my family… But I’m under the ministry… I was 15 when I got pregnant and since I was 15, almost 16, they charged him for sexual assault cause I wasn’t legal to make decisions… As hard as that is, I barely have any friends really… I was into the pot and drinking. I never hung out with girls because they tend to start drama and such with my boyfriend and I, telling him I wasn’t good enough for him and everything, trying to pull us apart… So from a year ago, it’s been me and my boyfriend… Now since the RCMP put a charge on him, we aren’t allowed to see each other… This is so hard…

I talk to him everyday and we really want to be together and we love each other… He wants to support the child and be a father. His whole life, he hasn’t had blood related family and he’s been in and out of foster care until he was able to get out… I’m his only family now. He tells me everyday that he wants to be with me for the rest of his life. I feel the same with him… Even if we are young , we found true love with one another…

I live with my grandmother. She has been raising my 3 brothers and 2 sisters since we were young.  Our parents left us for their selfish ways for alcohol and hard drugs… My 2 older siblings have moved out ( my older brother has drug problems too and has anger issues)-( my sister has a drinking problem and anger issues ). So there’s me and my 15 year old brother and and our little siblings age 5 and 7… We live in a small home, only 3 bedrooms… The house is old and needs a lot of work on it… But thing’s have been getting really hard the past couple of months.. I love kids and love my siblings… They were both born with crack or alcohol in there system, so its really hard for them to cope and learn… My brother who’s 15 is into the pot and drinking… (Me and brother who’s 15 are the only 2 out of the family that were born without drugs or alcohol). Thing’s are starting to really hurt me… I’m losing my brother to the pot.. I never see him. He’s always tucked in his room… We use to be so close… And my gramma is getting older and getting depressed. Money is tight and my older siblings take her for granted. They come over asking for money all the time, calling her names… Me, my 15 year old brother, and grandmother cannot stand up to my older brother… You never know what he would do… So I have to sit here , and make sure when conflict goes on in the house, I take the kids outside to play or take them to the other room so they don’t have to hear the fighting and swearing… We have family counselling at the moment and it seems to help a bit. So to sum it up, My grandmother is getting weaker, my siblings have a hard time listening, my brother who’s 15 is distant, and then there’s me. Soon to be mother, having to already care for my younger siblings. Clean everyday ,help with dinner, and I just got back into school through a teen mother agency program…

I also have very bad back problems. Never mind being pregnant ( when I was 6, I was in a car accident. My brother couldn’t get his seatbelt on, so I took mine off and got his on. Once it clicked in, all I remember is looking forward and hitting my back against the dashboard and being knocked out, which I do not regret at all. I don’t know what I would have done if he went through the windshield), so I can’t sit nor stand too long… I barely get sleep at night. I get at least 6 hours from tossing and turning, not being able to get comfortable… On top of everything, I don’t have my boyfriend’s shoulder to lean on or to massage me, or to feel the baby move or go to prenatal classes with me… So the moment being, my grandmother and I are trying to get visiting rights… So he will be able to attend prenatal and the birth and visits… As much as we want to be a family, the government is stopping us… There shouldn’t be another single mom out there… He’s the only mentally and emotional support I have, next to my grandmother. I love him and I love my family,  but I’m getting exhausted, sore, worn out… I feel like curling up in a ball and not existing for a month so I can get some rest, but I can’t… My older brother puts me down all the time for having this baby. He calls me many names and talks behind my back… I don’t believe in abortions, I keep telling him that, but he puts me down even more. I’m happy with my decision.

My point is… All your girls out there… Never give up! Thing’s will come around… The only thing you can do for you and the baby is to be a good role model and love him/her till the end… Because in the end, all you have is your family, your memories through thick and thin, and a very strong personality… Be strong and get through it!

PS: I’m looking forward to meeting my wee one… I’m not sure if its a boy or girl until the due date – July 18th… The baby is heathy… All I need is my love, my family, and hoping the charge against my love will be dropped…

Good night & take care.