I am 19, and for the last 2/3 weeks, I and my boyfriend have been trying for a baby…
Last week, I had to go to the doctor because I was getting very bad pains around my stomach, lower back, and side. And my breasts are very sore and one is larger than the other. The doctor said it was normal, but I am still not sure because nothing like that ever happened before and now am waiting on the blood tests to come back.
The pain is gone now, but my breasts are still the same and get sharp pains every so often, and now I am also getting cramps like I was getting my period but no sign of my period…
I do not feel like myself. I am very tired, eating more, have tender/heavy breasts, frequent headaches, and some pain…
I am very confused and, to be honest, a little scared. I have no idea what is going on with my body…
Somebody, please help…