HELP please?
I need everyone’s thoughts on this because I can’t take a pregnancy test until at least the beginning of September. So if you could, comment on this or something and let me know whether you think I might be pregnant or not, please? Because I wanna make sure if you guys think I am that I stop doing all the bad things, yeah know?
I’m 15 and the boy is 18 🙂
Alright, so here’s the story: Me and this guy started talking around 2 years ago because my mom’s best friend’s son was best friends with him. Okay, that’s confusing, hahaha. But then last summer, we finally hung out, mostly alone, and ended up just talking about stuff & we ended up kissing.
Since then, we talked off and on.
This past May, he was at my friend’s birthday party. He’s her cousin, and we ended up leaving the party for a bit to go talk about stuff. We decided that we both felt something big every time we hung out. The only thing is… He has a girlfriend, but he’s only with her because she’s 21 :/ but still.
Anyway, one night we were partying together along with all our friends and went swimming in the river & he asked me to stay at his house with our two other friends. Obviously, I said yes. When we got to his house, we showered together & yeah, you know the rest 😛
After neither of us could sleep, but our 2 friends were already asleep when we got outa the shower, so we just sat there and talked for literally 4 hours straight 🙂
This summer, we were always together and had been having sex (unprotected since I’m on birth control). At the end of July, right before I got grounded (I just got off), we had sex, unprotected like always, but I hadn’t been taking my birth control for a week because I forgot it when we all went camping.
So now I’ve missed my period, kinda. I’ve had light spotting.
and I’ve also:
- Had nausea/stomach pain, usually at night
- Been nauseous when I smelled certain foods, even my usual favorites.
- Been peeing a ton
- Had breast tenderness, like its sore to wear a bra
- Had heartburn I think