labor story

ok so the night before i had the baby sep 11 i could not sleep i kept getting period cramps and i just felt so uncofterble..i was 37w6d…when i finally got up  september 12 around 7 in the morning i felt i big gush and out came my water..i was shoked and surprice because i was wonderign when it would occur and i was thinking it would never happen and i would be prego forever lol anyways i (more…)


sorry i havent bin on for so long but ive bin really buzzy well this is an update..i am now 20 weeks 3 days pregnant i find out the sex of the baby this thursday may15th i cant wait ill let everyone kno wen i find out :O)

cramps while pregnant

im now 9 weeks and 5 days pregnant and i sometimes get these low painful cramps on my lower they really really hurt they only last like 12 seconds i read online and it said it is caused by my cervix stretching out for the baby….i kno its dum but i will prob get worse cramps wen i have the baby lol well gurlys comment back on any things u guys experience during pregnancy….i cant wait (more…)

pregnant at 19

im 19 years old im done with highschool and im pregnant for the second time i had an abortion with my fist pregnancy and it was such a horrible experience to go through…wen i found out i was pregnant again i decided to keep the baby..i am now 9 weeks and  4 days and i cant wait till my belly starts growin and to feel the baby move :O) i hope its a gurl but eather way ill love my baby the same