Getting Older

It's funny, but I feel old talking to some people on standupgirl. They may be older than me, but their children are younger, and I can somehow look at them and say — wow, I was once in that position.

Not just on standupgirl. It's funny, even talking to a forty-year-old with a two-month-old, I feel a little bit older. In no way can I call it superiority, just more experience: and (more…)


There was nothing left but the blueness of the sky. I walked around cleaning with the vacuum cleaner, ordered around by the people who were now the ones who told me what to do.

My ex-boyfriend had forbid me to talk to anyone, to show myself to anyone due to my 'condition'. My parents now forbid me to talk about him, to talk about what happened.

My baby kicked around (more…)



When Alex was first born, I basically grabbed him out of the nurse's hands. I didn't want anyone to take my little son away.

And all he wanted to do was to be near me, to lie near my breast, feeling my warmth, trying to figure out this strange and exciting new world that he had just entered. It was so hard, he now had to breath, and he had to eat, and he had to poo and pee, (more…)