Dancing on quicksand

We all go through trials, and nobody's pain can be compared to anybody else's. And yet, sometimes, it just all seems too much.

When anxiety overwhelms you, and all you can feel is a creeping sense of panic, sometimes it's so hard to stay strong.

But, hah! aren't I the strong one? The one that everyone looks at and says, she is strong. It's like a label I have to (more…)


I should be writing this assignment — I am already one day late.

But I don't want to. I want to write here. I don't even know what I want to write.

I want to write that I am a woman. That I love being a woman. To be able to have life grow in me, to be able to face this world with dignity and to be able to treat my body like a temple.

I sometimes wonder what is wrong with (more…)


I was rereading myspace blog entries and I read this one and just thought meh, I'll post it. It happened last winter, so just under a year ago…and the second flashback is to when I was pregnant all those years ago…


…I can feel that the sun's going to be rising soon now. I can barely stand and my head's spinning, but I'm not that drunk anymore (more…)

One day at a time

I'm just taking one day at a time, hoping this pain will subside soon. I get up in the morning and I get out of bed and I have a shower and get us ready, make breakfast which I don't want to eat, and then I head out for the day. I can't stay inside the house all day long. I can't believe I'm so shattered. All the other days were looking good, but it's storming today, and I&# (more…)

Life Goes On

Just when you think you find someone…it all ends in a shattering display of broken pieces.  Ah well, I know it ended and I'm not in that much pain. On the one hand, I have this weird feeling of freedom and like I can move on. He left because it was in his right to leave…he did not take me or my dignity or my ability to love with him….that stayed behind with me — and I'm dealing (more…)