am i? idk!
OK! So what do you think? These past few days, I’ve felt light cramps... and I had lower back pain... And no morning sicknesses or anything... As far as I know, it started 6 days after my boyfriend and I had sex… During my fertility days, though I’m not that sure if I am fertile. […]

OK! So what do you think?

These past few days, I’ve felt light cramps... and I had lower back pain... And no morning sicknesses or anything... As far as I know, it started 6 days after my boyfriend and I had sex… During my fertility days, though I’m not that sure if I am fertile. But based on the fertility calendar I am…and he ejaculated in me.. and my due is on the 18th…

Do you think I’m pregnant? Well, I hope I am… 😉 But I don’t like to expect or something because I am not sure of it… Maybe it was just a false alarm, or whatever…
So I just wanted to know if it’s possible… Thank you… :unsure:

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