A Hard Choice
So, I found out I was pregnant. The last thing that I expected at this point in my life. I haven’t been married a year, and boom baby; it’s baby time. I don’t know what I am going to do. I have been researching abortions, adoptions, and thinking about keeping it. But, I am afraid […]

So, I found out I was pregnant. The last thing that I expected at this point in my life.

I haven’t been married a year, and boom baby; it’s baby time. I don’t know what I am going to do. I have been researching abortions, adoptions, and thinking about keeping it. But, I am afraid of how my life will change. Will I be able to go out and do all of the things that other people my age go out and do? Will I ever be able to stay the night at my sister’s house again? What am I supposed to expect? Part of me wants to get rid of it, and the other part of me is wondering why I am considering killing it.

I just don’t know what to do, and I don’t have a lot of time to figure it out. I have read about how people have regretted abortions, but will I? Will I regret it? How will I know if I will regret it until it is too late? I have been reading about how big the baby is, and seeing what parts of its body has already formed and what will be forming in the next couple of weeks, and it’s all so scary.

I just wish I knew what to do…

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