6 month appointments!
My son was 6 months old last week. So he was due for 6-month checkups. He had an appointment with the midwife this morning, just for general checks. Everything was great, he’s now 14 lbs. 4 oz…that’s 12 lbs. 2 oz heavier than what he was when he was born. It was amazing, I’m a […]
My little zachary

My son was 6 months old last week. So he was due for 6-month checkups. He had an appointment with the midwife this morning, just for general checks. Everything was great, he’s now 14 lbs. 4 oz…that’s 12 lbs. 2 oz heavier than what he was when he was born. It was amazing, I’m a happy mommy!

We went into town and had some lunch after, to celebrate I guess. He even had a few chips and a bit of chocolate. He made such a mess.

Then we had to head up to the NICU to meet with the neonatologist, and it brought back horrible memories. We were early, but the nurses let us in so they could have a cuddle with my son and just catch up. They’ve helped us through a lot. It was nice seeing the ones who saved and looked after my baby boy.  It was time for our appointment. He stripped my son down, to check for growths/tumors. He also looked at his previous scan results and said that his general health was marvelous. He weighed and measured him, perfect size…He’s average for a 5-6 month little boy. He’s still a little behind with his eating, but he’s catching up. He also checked his development, such as if he’s sitting up, lifting his head, rolling over, etc. Which he is, so that’s great. He had no concern at all. I was so relieved, I had horrible visions of my son having to stay under his care and having to visit once a month forever. But nope, although he did advise us to check back again in another 6 months, he said just to check his development for one last time. But overall, my son is finally healthy and eventually discharged for his neonatologist care. Yay!

My son’s in his bouncer whilst my boyfriend feeds him; sweet potato and leek pie…baby food obviously. It doesn’t smell too good.  But he seems to be enjoying it, almost ate a whole jar and I expect he’ll be after a yogurt once he finished.

I can’t believe I’m a mommy. It’s just so unreal. I’m not even 16 yet, and I have a family. It’s super exciting though. I’m so lucky to have my boyfriend still by my side, both families, and a perfect, healthy son!

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