My Symptoms
First Noticeable Symptoms:
– Nausea
– Missed period
– Headaches
– Dizziness
– Vomiting
– Moody
– Fatigue
– Irritability
– Restlessness
Symptoms that occurred later on
– Food cravings
– Food aversions & Aversions to smells
– Constipation – Back pains
– Gall Bladder attack (rare – 16 weeks 3 days)
– Forgetfulness
– Heartburn
– Bleeding gums
– Nose bleeds
– Stuffy nose (prone to getting colds)
– Emotional (been there whole pregnancy, but got worse)
I really don’t know what happened. I can’t believe how dumb I was. I’m having a lot of trouble with 1 baby. Nobody is helping me. My mom is overworking now. I haven’t heard a word from my dad since he left us and I was scared my baby wouldn’t have a crib to sleep in.
My baby daddy from my first baby is in jail and I’m praying I’m not pregnant. If I am pregnant, I don’t know what I could do, really. If I am pregnant, this baby daddy is different I hope. Funny how before all this pregnant thing, I used to be the one saying “I’m mature. I can’t take care of myself and I would NEVER be like my friends.” Now I’m in a worse position them most of them. Most of them have their baby daddy helping them or their family. Me. I do online schooling which is hard at times too but it helps. I have to go babysit somebody else’s kids for money while taking care of my own baby. I do anything I can think I can do to help me get a little bit of money. My mom does give me some, but not enough. Now that I’m a mom, I look at my mom and say “I’m never going to be like her or my dad” I’m NEVER going to leave my child. Really, I’m scared. At times, I’m like why am I scared. And my sister told me, “It’s because moms are scared” Maybe she’s right. But really, I don’t know what to do. I’m scared and now I’m wishing to go back in time and change but I can’t. I only had 1 life and I chose to go in the wrong direction. My friends don’t call or stop by. And I’m not going to their house because I can’t. They can come and they choose not to. I also heard people tell me that they talk about behind my back. I can’t imagine all the things they’ll say if I really am pregnant, again but what can I do about it, really? I’m 1 person and there’s a million of them. All I can do is hold my chin up. I don’t regret having my daughter.
She’s the best thing in my life but how can I raise 2?
Maykenize Carson Faith is my 3rd Pregnancy. I’m 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant… She was a gift from my late daughter Carson Marie Dawn who passed away on September 24, 2010.
Here is the meaning of her name… Maykenize was the name I fell in love with when I was 10 years old… Carson is in memory of my late daughter and Faith is since I was given faith that I was able to carry and give birth to another baby after my accident…. My boyfriend and I found a perfect place we move in on April 10th, a couple of weeks before I have my baby girl… She is due July 27th, but I’m having her on June 27th, a month early by c-section due to damage still, and wouldn’t be able to have her natural way…
I’m turning 16 and I’m pregnant with triplets.
My parents are very supportive but my babies’ dad isn’t. I live in Australia and my pregnancy is becoming complicated. I am showing a lot already and my blood pressure is too high. I am meant to stay in bed for the rest of the pregnancy but I’m stressing out. How am I going to raise three babies as a single mum?
I really need some advice. Please help me.
What teenager ever thinks she will be a mother by the age of 17, let alone a mother of three by the time she is 21?
I bet a lot of them don’t. I know I didn’t. At the age of 16, I became just another teenage statistic, a statistical momma. That was in 2001. Back then there were no TV shows of teenage pregnancy glamorizing the epidemic or even TV movies like “The Pregnancy Pact” to scare the thoughts of having babies out of young girls’ minds. Those things didn’t come along until I was 22 and two kids later. If I had seen those shows back then, I would have definable given sex a third and fourth thought.
I was young and naive. You never think it would happen to you. I am so tired of seeing these girls from 16 and Pregnant being thrown all around in the media and being paid major cash to be a statistical momma. I work hard to take care of the babies I brought into this world and trust me when I say I have sacrificed everything for them. Is it fair that so many teenage parents are struggling and they get to be put on a pedestal for going through the “baby momma” and “baby daddy” drama? I don’t think so. Why not try to help these teenage parents be all they can be and be role models for their children? Give them some counseling and some skills training, instead of teaching them to pose for a magazine cover.
These are just some thoughts. We all know what sells. So can you expect anything more?
Father God,
Today I humbly come to Your giving thanks for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I trust that Your plan for me is good, and I choose to turn the page on the past by choosing Your ways. I forgive and release those who have wronged me so I can move forward in the next chapter You have for me.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria