It takes tym to find  yourself and finding the true mean on survival is another task at hand. We become so fragile and afraid that we forget to speak out and be heard, in order to be saved and set free. It took me a while to find the voice inside me, the funny part is it was always there but i never took the tym to listen until i fell and became a victim of abuse.

I hide all the pain inside me afraid to speak out for i feared the man i slept with, i cooked for, he was my fiance but treated me lyk his possession. I did as i was told to avoid an arguement because i knew what would happen if i tried to say what i f elt.
I thank God for the courage he gave me, because the day i was set free was because i the power and strength to listen to the voice within and speak my mind, i did not care what he would do to me then but i knew he had to hear me. Than i got the courage to tell him its over and i walked out tall and proud. Yes i still do think about him but thats because love does not die that easily and a part of me will always care  but its good to be free because im able to love myself unconditionally and face the future with out fear.

baby goodbye

dedicated to sophia avianna mona baby.



when i knew i have u

its hard for me to accept the truth

the truth that im having an angel soon

and the decision i made in order for u to bloom


im scared to be alone in giving u life

but i chose this just to make u mine

my heart sings of joy everytime

cause u know,ur always on my mind


i never dreamed of having u,

though u dream i gorgeous baby and it feels so true

u might came for an instant

no wonder why others want to separate us

but i refused to cause ur important


others make think its a mistake

dont mind them cause ur mine and it can never be break

i love u,u know how much cause its too much


both of us were excited to see u

to touch u and to live with u..

thats how much we expect u to come out in this world

to see such a gorgeous baby that would be mine for the rest of my life


hoping of u to have

there it was a pain i a rush

thought it was not serious

lately i began to feel nervous


i cried when i felt something went out of me

i saw u,i held u in my palms just to be sure if its really u

baby,u got ur head

ur bending and ur dead..:'(


do u really want to let go?

cause it really hurts when u say so..

thought i’ll be facing my motherhood..

but u wont let me so there i stood


why baby ? why?

i dont want u to die..

u didnt even say goodbye..

if u want to,i will let u fly…

baby goodbye..


i will be missing u…

ilove u so much…

help im 14 and a soon to be mommy

Help im a 14 year old girl who hasn’t even started high school and doesn’t even have a life thats in order and im pregnet. I used to be a party girl. I used to be a girl who didn’t care for conqueses but now i have to care. A friend told me to do an aportion but i can’t live with the thought of me killing my baby or even loosing it. My ex boyfriend or my baby daddy said to do an aportion he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby and its a good think to because he’s the worst and i don’t my baby around anybody who like the daddy. WEll now that im gong to be a mommy i have to start doing mommy things and i have no clue what to do. I was one of those girls that thought “it would never happen to me” and never thought bout it. I need help. How to be raise a child when im only a child myself

Too young to be in love

I know everyone always says your too young to be in love, and i always say it to people my age too. But this guy ive known him since the beginning of 7th grade we dated all school year , and created alot of feelings for each other. In the summer it didnt last cuz my mom wouldnt let me out of the house. he broke up with me and this girl got into him and she kept trying to get sex from him and they did. and all 8th grade they dated on and off and he didnt really care for her, but i guess he was really looking for sex, well now she is pregnant due in september. he regrets everything , and i was the only girl hes ever dated that hasnt used for sex, i know he loves me but most people just dont get it.

My experience with abortion

So here’s my story.

It was maybe 1 week before my birthday, December 16th. I was supposed to get my period maybe 2 weeks prior, and there was still nothing. My boyfriend of 10 months at that time gave me my Christmas, birthday, and 10-month anniversary gift. It was a ring turquoise gem with two diamonds on the side. We knew I was pregnant, we just didn’t really wanna talk about it. I was 15. he was 16, turning 17 in January. But after New Year’s came, I still didn’t have my period, so I took a pregnancy test. Well, it was positive. The only person I told was my boyfriend. He was the only person I could trust. My parents, well, let’s say they would not have been very supportive if they knew I was pregnant when I was.

We both decided to have an abortion. We talked about it for days, thinking about our options. We were way too young to have a baby. I couldn’t even take care of myself at that point. How was I supposed to carry a baby for 9 months and then take care of it? Adoption, we never talked about it. My father would have abused me if he found out I was pregnant. Well, he would have taken it into his own hands. That was never an option. I wouldn’t do that to my child. I wouldn’t tell it I’m gonna give it to a nice family when it could die, when it could have brain damage from the times my father hit me when I didn’t even know I was pregnant. Abortion was our only option, the only reasonable option for us at that time. I believed in reincarnation but also hoped that someday, when I’m ready to have kids, he would pick me to be his mother. I’ll explain why I called the baby a he later.

So we went to the clinic. I had to skip a lot of classes at my school which was also Catholic, I might add. By the time the day was arriving, everyone at school knew. Of course, we denied we were pregnant and having an abortion. The day of the operation, I don’t remember much. I was terrified and in pain. They gave me a pill that made me dilate to about 5cm. I think it was so they could get the tube in. Oh, how I had the worst cramps due to that pill. The hospital had a therapist who came in. She specializes in women dealing with abortion. We talked and I told her my main concern is that my parents don’t find out. I don’t even remember if I said goodbye or sorry to that child. I can’t remember. Before I knew it, I was in the surgery room. They don’t put you under, you’re awake. The nurses were really nice. They held my hand and told me it was OK. All I remember is the worst pain imaginable. it was only 5 mins, but it felt like 5 hours. I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m not gonna tell anyone it was easy and pain-free because it wasn’t. I think I blacked out after it was over because I woke up in my room again. My boyfriend being worried about me was amazing. All I remember him saying is that he loved me and he was proud of me for being so strong, and then he put the ring he gave me on my finger again. He helped me so much, I can’t even describe it. Oh and by the way, don’t bring light pads when you go bring real ones you bleed a lot. I’m telling my story yes but if anyone who is reading this is considering having an abortion. I’m not gonna lie to you it’s painful but in my case, it was worth it.

After about a week, of course, my sister knew it was true and stuff and so did my best friend at the time. They kinda pressured me into telling my mom, biggest mistake ever. She was upset and disappointed, but kinda understood. And I appreciate that, but the day before she knew I had an abortion, she told me whoever has an abortion is gonna burn in hell and she would hate anyone who had an abortion, she’s Christian. But the big mistake is that my mom wanted to tell my dad: my alcoholic, bi polar, abusive father. She said that she couldn’t lie to him. He was her partner even though he tried to beat her every night but I never let him. See, my mom is 4 11″, really small. I always provoked my dad so he wouldn’t beat my mother. Instead, he beat me. Of course before all this even started, my sister would go to her friend’s house, maybe a 20 min bike ride away because we live in the country, but its a 5 min car ride to their house. But anyways, I was always the one who get beat. That’s the reason I couldn’t go through with adoption, maybe not even keeping the baby. My father found out and oh was it bad. I wasn’t allowed to leave my room even to go outside for a walk. Mind you we live in the country. Where would I go? Walk 10 hours to the city? I was basically being starved to death. My friend said I could go live with her for a month or so just until it blows over and stuff. My boyfriend was there through it with me, but he lived in the city and I couldn’t call him or text him. So he didn’t really know what was going on until Monday came and I skipped class to go tell him. He flipped. He said I couldn’t go back there and luckily his mom was kind enough to let me stay there.

I’ve lived there for 2 years. I have no contact with my parents, only with my sister who is now in university. But after a while i started to have dreams. Dreams about a little boy that looked so much like my boyfriend when he was a kid. But this kid was about the same age that my child would have been if we had kept him. He would always have a red ball and throw it across a field and run after it and i would run after him but could never catch him. I know what that interprets but. After about a year after i had the abortion i was clinically depressed, not knowing it at the time, but i missed a lot of school no matter how much i slept i still felt tired. its been maybe a year and a half and I didn’t know i was depressed until recently maybe 2 months ago and see I didn’t have a family doctor so i signed up for one, I still haven’t gotten a call but i found another doctor and was able to get medication. But these dreams ive been having is this childs way of saying hes alright i guess and he forgives me because recently in my dreams he comes uo to hug me because im always crying in my dream and he tells me everything will be alright. And you know what it will but right now it doesnt feel like it. I do regret having the abortion, and although it hurts i know time will mend it but i believe it will take a lifetime to deal with. its not an easy desicion its not the “easy” way out its probably the hardest of the three options. I just want to say son i love you and i hope you will have a better life wether its with me or another family.

Mommy loves you sweetheart xox


What can I do?:

1. I don’t know how to carry out this way…@ I have some searches about this case to see if I could get pregnant with an irregular period?…

Answer pls!_________________________________________________

2.  I take a trust pill after 3 days of having sexual intercourse… Is that OK? Can I get pregnant anymore? Is it safe?…

Answer pls!_________________________________________________

3.  I don’t know when can I have my menstruation period… Since I missed 2 months ago, running 3 months until now so I can’t define when is my expectation with my period ???

Answers!   __________________________________________________.