You Get To Hear Her Heartbeat

by | 2005 | Dear Becky

I walked into the room where my boyfriend of 2 years was waiting for me. I sat down next to him, the nurse then told me that I was pregnant, my boyfriend just hugged me he didn’t know what to say. We had always talked about having a baby but we planned on waiting until […]
StandUpGirl pregnant belly with tape measure around it

I walked into the room where my boyfriend of 2 years was waiting for me. I sat down next to him, the nurse then told me that I was pregnant, my boyfriend just hugged me he didn’t know what to say. We had always talked about having a baby but we planned on waiting until we both finished school.

Dear Becky — I am now 6 months pregnant. I was 2 months when I had found out. I was on birth control (the shot), I had gone to get my check up and like always they gave me a pregnancy test. I gave my urine sample and waited in the restroom while the nurse went to check my results, about 1 minute later she came in and said, “follow me.” I already knew, at this moment I had many things going through my head; what will my mother say, and if she would still accept me in her house. I walked into the room where my boyfriend of 2 years was waiting for me. I sat down next to him, the nurse then told me that I was pregnant, my boyfriend just hugged me he didn’t know what to say. We had always talked about having a baby but we planned on waiting until we both finished school.

I then ask then nurse if she can help me tell my mom because I knew I wouldn’t be able to tell her on my own. 30 minutes later my dad got there they made us wait in another room, I was scared I didn’t know what to do. The nurse walked in and told me she was ready to talk to me. I walk in and the first thing she said was “you’re getting an abortion.” I said, “ok,” and we left home. I was lucky I was in my car because I was able to drive home by myself and think about it. I had got home and my mom and dad where waiting for me. The told me that the first thing in the morning we were going to Tucson to get my abortion. I talked to by boyfriend and he told me that if I want to go then I could but that he wouldn’t go with me. I knew my mom and dad were only doing what’s best for me but I couldn’t get an abortion.

That night I looked up abortions on the Internet and found your website, I read the stories of many girls who regretted getting an abortion. Early the next morning my dad came and apologized, he then asked me if I really want to get an abortion, and to make a good choice because which ever choice I make would affect me for the rest of my life. I decided to keep the baby.

I am now 6 months pregnant and it is the greatest thing in the world. I thought I would hate it, but I love it. You get to watch your baby grow inside of you, feel her move, kick and hiccup, you get to hear her heart beat, and so much more. So I want every one who is thinking about an abortion to please think twice. I know you may think it’s going to be too hard and it is. It a lot of money and a big responsibility but it’s all worth it. I know that if I did get that abortion I would have to live the rest of my life regretting what I have done.

Rachel |


Dearest Rachel – What an amazing e-mail! You know Rachel! You are a true Stand Up Girl and what an amazing feeling that must be when you feel your baby move. When you feel her hic-up. How cool is that!

Rachel – I am so proud of you and I am so so glad that you have chosen the choice of life that you have chosen. I bet your family is glad too!

Do me a favor – when you have your baby … look at her little fingers and her toes. Look at her eyelashes and then let me know how that makes your heart feel.

I know that your story will touch many hearts out there … like the stories that you read … maybe your story will also save a life! 😀

Thank you so much for your wonderful e-mail. Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.

Luv Lisa |


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