..yah im back to tell that im really happy im pregnant.,after i wrote about my last blog later in the afternoon i took pregnancy test. and yes its positive..at first i really want to cry but as i look again the p.t i feel so overwhelmed…that i’m having my first baby..a day after that i […]
..yah im back to tell that im really happy im pregnant.,after i wrote about my last blog later in the afternoon i took pregnancy test. and yes its positive..at first i really want to cry but as i look again the p.t i feel so overwhelmed…that i’m having my first baby..a day after that i gathered all the strength and confidence to tell my aunt. and as expected she really got angry… she so furious! that you cant even imagine how she said those words i never thought she could.they are all blaming me. she told me to have an abortion, but i never agreed.. they did all the things that could push me to go through abortion. they separate me from my boyfriend with no communication at all, they said that even my cousins will suffer if i didn’t agree., but i never gave up. i talked to my cousins and they said they’ll understand whatever my decision is, and so i continued my pregnancy… well that’s not all.. last Saturday I accompanied my cousin Irish, to the hospital to visit her brother.. she told me something i could never imagine.. well she told me this because maybe she knew already that her secret will be safe with me..so here it was.. when we we’re in high school after graduation to be exact she got pregnant, with her boyfriend of course . but i don’t know whose guy cause she has so many boyfriends out there,(by the way we’re just at the same age we’re both 16 that time) when she learned about it, afraid to tell her parents, she had an abortion..she drinks pills every time she feels or thinks she’s pregnant..without her boyfriend knowing it.and the shocking part is the time i told my aunt about my pregnancy was the time she was 3month pregnant! so it means she ahead 1 month of me in terms of pregnancy! but the sad part was.. she again did what she must not do.!, she aborted her baby.. she took so many pills to kill her baby..my heart almost broke when i heard that… i cant imagine she’s too mean to do that again..well she said that the baby was to his ex bf, and her bf now thought it was his, he never knows the truth..i just felt so pity and sad for her baby..:( the annoying part is that my cousin Irish, always upset me every time she recalls my mistake about my pregnancy to show how much she’s higher than me, that’s why my family can’t move on and still blames me.they are always proud with Irish.. not knowing what she did was worse than what i did..because at least i kept my baby unlike her, she killed her angel and know she acts like angel to our family like she will never do what disappoints them :'( sucks! i hate her but i keep my promise that i won’t tell anyone bout it π i know God knows i did the right thing:) and no regrets:) i’m 9 weeks pregnant now:) i’m so blessed to have this baby inside me:) TO GOD BE THE GLORY
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