worried a little
So Thursday, I had my growth scan for Ace! At 32 weeks, he was 3 lbs. and at the 11%. At 34, he was 3 lbs., 14 oz so he is still really small, in the 14%. Everything seemed to go just fine. then the doctor came in and told me my fluid is low, […]

So Thursday, I had my growth scan for Ace!

At 32 weeks, he was 3 lbs. and at the 11%. At 34, he was 3 lbs., 14 oz so he is still really small, in the 14%. Everything seemed to go just fine. then the doctor came in and told me my fluid is low, it’s at 7.5. IDK what that means but that’s my biggest pocket of fluid. If it reaches 5, they will take him out. I guess my fluid dropped a lot in 2 weeks so it worried them. The doctor also told me that if he doesn’t reach 5lbs by my 36-week ultrasound, they are goin to take him out. They are not sure why he is so small. They said there might be a knot in his umbilical cord but they can’t see one. Also at my stress test, he was a little “stressed”. I was hooked up to the test for almost 2 hours. His heart rate was high but it finally calmed down. So they let me go home. I have to see my doctor 2 times a week for 2 stress tests and they are goin to check his fluid 2 times a week…

I pray he grows and that every thing stays safe for him. I don’t want him out at 36 weeks, I want him in!!!

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