Without you

by | 2008 | Real Stories

Every night i rub my belly and wish you were here with me. Everytime i see a pregnant person or a baby it reminds me of you. Sometimes i wonder wether you would look like me or your daddy. You were with me for 9 weeks and you knew how much i loved you because […]

Every night i rub my belly and wish you were here with me. Everytime i see a pregnant person or a baby it reminds me of you. Sometimes i wonder wether you would look like me or your daddy. You were with me for 9 weeks and you knew how much i loved you because i would tell you that every night before we went to bed. I miss eating seafood and peanut butter for you..drinking tang because mommy couldnt even handle water! theres not a moment that goes by that i dont think of you. I know i would be the best mom in the world and you would be so loved. Tears are running down my eyes and i think about all the girls that have had their babies. They are so lucky.Im sorry i couldnt do the same for you my angel..your daddy and your nasty granny didnt think it was the right time..but dont ever think you werent wanted because i wanted you more than the world itself..i wanted you the day i found out you had  chosen me to be your mommy. I was sacre but i was so happy..time seemed to stop and all i could think of for those 9 weeks was you. I miss you so much. I wish you could be here with me then i wouldnt feel so empty. Daddy is ready to have a baby now so if you can,please come back to me.Please. Im tired to taking birth control im tired of the life im living im ready for you im taking real good care of myself. Im preparing my body just for you or your little brother or sister. No more drugs,little alchohol..im ready. I'll always think of you, i'll always love you and hopefully one day you will come back to me.or someday you will have a little sister or brother. Watever happens, i'll be ready and i will love my baby more than anything in the world.


"I love you forever, I love you for always, as long as Im living, My baby you'll be"


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