why im here
I guess it’s no surprise that a 17-year-old with piercings from drug-addict parents and a white trash background got knocked up. I guess it’s no surprise that my boyfriend is almost ten years older than me and lives in another state. These things, society expects from me. What they don’t expect is I never considered […]

I guess it’s no surprise that a 17-year-old with piercings from drug-addict parents and a white trash background got knocked up. I guess it’s no surprise that my boyfriend is almost ten years older than me and lives in another state. These things, society expects from me.
What they don’t expect is I never considered abortion, I don’t plan to sell my baby, and I’m a really good student. Well as of today, I haven’t taken a test, but I’m a week late for my period. I’ll be taking the test on Sunday. How do I know I’m pregnant?

1. I’m late
2. My dad gave me a phoenix necklace, which to me, a phoenix is the symbol for a baby

How did this happen?
I could simply tell you I’m an idiot or make up some lie about needing to score. But that would be wrong. I don’t do drugs. I have had sex for things before; food, money for food, rides, etc. But that’s not how I got here.
I got here because for once in my life, I decided to act my age, I decided to be irresponsible and throw caution to the wind. My boyfriend came to pick me up on Friday and that night we had sex, I told him I wasn’t on birth control and to pull out and he did. That morning we had sex again, but this time he didn’t. I yelled at him and he said it was no big deal. He’d get me Plan B. All day, I bugged him to get it. Finally, at 8 pm, we went to the pharmacy. He came out empty-handed and told me they wouldn’t give it to a guy and I flipped out and he said he was kidding, it wasn’t open. So we went to a different pharmacy and when he came out, he hid it under his shirt and said they were out of it, but I heard the crinkling and got it. When we got back to his house, I was gonna take it right away, but he said to wait till it was on the hour so we could remember when I took it. So I did and then I took the first one. He had unprotected sex again that night, he said the Plan B would still work. And in the morning, we had unprotected sex again. Then in the morning, I took the second one.

Now the one detail that makes me sound horrible, but is kinda important is that this was the first time I had ever met him. But he was so sweet to me. He took me out to these amazing restaurants and bookstores and the train station. And it was just a magical evening.

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