What do I do?
Hello… About a week ago, I found out I was pregnant. The guy I’m with, we have been together for about 4 months. We’re fine one day and then the next, we hate each other. Me being pregnant would ruin our lives. We didn’t talk for a week then on a Friday, I told him […]

Hello… About a week ago, I found out I was pregnant.

The guy I’m with, we have been together for about 4 months. We’re fine one day and then the next, we hate each other. Me being pregnant would ruin our lives. We didn’t talk for a week then on a Friday, I told him I might be pregnant. He met me after work and we bought a pregnancy test, it was positive. The two pink lines appeared right away! I was just thinking that it could be wrong that it takes 3 minutes to appear. It didn’t hit me till later that night that I was pregnant. We cried for the whole night. All I wanted to do was hold him, hug him! I didn’t want to let him go!

We had decided that abortion would be the right thing to do… The right thing for us and our baby! We can’t even support ourselves and definitely couldn’t support a baby! We both work part-time and I’m in school. I still couldn’t settle the fact I was pregnant so I took another test. It was positive again! The next day, I called a Planned Parenthood office to make an appointment to talk to someone. I have chosen to do the procedure. All I could think about is that This baby shouldn’t have to live a life with parents that still live with their parents and can’t support themselves. I took another test and it did come back positive again. They gave me an ultrasound and there was my baby. I am not even 5 weeks. I’m scheduled to have my procedure 2 weeks from now and I’m scared.

Lately I’ve been changing my mind. Do I wanna keep the baby or continue with the termination? I tell my boyfriend and all he can do is remind me of the bad things about having a kid. Nothing is positive. He told me he refuses to have a kid as this kid would ruin our lives…

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