Was this a mistake?

by | 2010 | Real Stories

2 weeks ago i found out i was four weeks pregnant. today i Was currently six weeks pregnant until about 1:00 this afternoon. I had an abortion. i cried, i dont think i made the right decision. Im in very little pain and no bleeding, but i honestly think i only got the abortion to […]

2 weeks ago i found out i was four weeks pregnant. today i Was currently six weeks pregnant until about 1:00 this afternoon. I had an abortion. i cried, i dont think i made the right decision. Im in very little pain and no bleeding, but i honestly think i only got the abortion to make everyone else happy when i really wasnt happy with what i was doing. My boyfriend and his mom had kind of pushed me to have the termination. i saw the baby today on the ultrasound. it was so cute it hurt my heart, i havent cried to my mom or anyone. i just feel really alone right now. This seems so unreal. in a way i want to get pregnant again but idk thats just being selfish & sick. I dont know what to do right now, i dont know if i should be mad or sad or happy? im really confused. /:

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