very unsure and scared

by | 2007 | Real Stories

hey, im 18, female in cali, and may be pregnant. my story started when i was 8 years old, i was molested for years till i was 11. i got to meet my love when i was 14, we are still together. I got raped when i was 15 by a male friend. [aquintance rape] it shook me, […]

hey, im 18, female in cali, and may be pregnant. my story started when i was 8 years old, i was molested for years till i was 11. i got to meet my love when i was 14, we are still together. I got raped when i was 15 by a male friend. [aquintance rape] it shook me, scarred me, and took a long time to forgive; but i am stronger and somehow a better person. if i am preg i will keep the child or adoption. i really dont know if i could ever abort. i am scared of what my parents might do. or say. my man promised that if i am preg, he will not leave, and he is the one person who has helped me graduate high school, been through the rape with me, and who has always been honest and supported me.

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