The Unkown Journey

by | 2009 | Real Stories

It was the most wonderful day and my fiance were going to attend a party at a friends house.this was an indian festival celebrated in our city.we decieded to arrange a party at our friends house,because her parents were out of BOOZE is a must at most as it goes we all […]

It was the most wonderful day and my fiance were going to attend a party at a friends house.this was an indian festival celebrated in our city.we decieded to arrange a party at our friends house,because her parents were out of BOOZE is a must at most as it goes we all drank a lot and went to rest at our rooms,which led us to having sex.

the days that followed we did not suspect pregnancy.since everything was going well.untill after one week,when the test proved positive did i feel being 17 and pregnant.meant my world would come crashing down.

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