Twin Choice
 Dear Becky — my name is Cherish and when I was sixteen I found out that my life would forever be changed, I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year when we found out that I was pregnant. We actually knew already. But the news was told to me when I went in […]
StandUpGirl ultrasound pictures

StandUpGirl ultrasound pictures

 Dear Becky — my name is Cherish and when I was sixteen I found out that my life would forever be changed, I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year when we found out that I was pregnant. We actually knew already. But the news was told to me when I went in to get an abortion, yes an abortion. I was about 10 weeks and just knew that my mom would kill me if she found out that I was pregnant.

So the day of the abortion I went to the clinic had my blood drawn and then was placed in this little white cold room. Moments later the doctor came in and introduced himself and explained what he would be doing.

 Dear Becky,

My name is Cherish and when I was sixteen I found out that my life would forever be changed, I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year when we found out that I was pregnant. We actually knew already. But the news was told to me when I went in to get an abortion, yes an abortion. I was about 10 weeks and just knew that my mom would kill me if she found out that I was pregnant.

So the day of the abortion I went to the clinic had my blood drawn and then was placed in this little white cold room. Moments later the doctor came in and introduced himself and explained what he would be doing. Then he did the ultrasound and he said to do see that heartbeat over on the right I said yes. Then he said do you see that on the left? I said that looks like the one on the right side, What does that mean I said? That means that you are having twins!

I was in disbelief, me, twins, I’m only 16.

With that being said I got up and got dressed and told the nurse that I just couldn’t go through with killing not one but two of my babies at the same time. The clinic refunded my money ($480) and I went back to my boyfriend’s house and told him the news and that I just couldn’t go through with an abortion. He said well then its time to tell our parents.

To make a long story short, Khlee and Kyler made there way in to the world on Oct 1, 2002 at 9:09pm and 9:11pm by C-section and have brought  more joy to my life than words can describe. They are 4 years old and now have a little sister.

I finished high school and went on to medical school and am currently awaiting to start my R.N. classes.

So to all girls out there who think that they can not finish High School with one baby — I did it with two and never asked anyone for help to raise my kids so… look inside yourself. 

You can do it.


Hi Cherish,

My name is April and I help Becky answer emails.

Thank you so much for writing.  I loved your story. 

I was really impressed with how brave you are — to change your mind there on the spot and save your twins.  That took real courage.  You really are a Stand Up Girl.

You know, your story is a great reminder to all of us. We are capable of more than we think.  Many girls after they have their baby continue with school, graduate, and go on to do marvelous things.  You are an inspiration.

One day, when your children are old enough, they will no-doubt thank you for being such a great mother.


April |.

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