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- This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 5 months ago by
September 12, 2005 at 7:42 am #9245
Participant[b]Hi all!! are n e of u still with ur childs father??? im not with my childs father he sed he was not ready to b a dad we were 16 when i had my son in feb 2003 n he has not seen him. I just hope im not the only one who the father or child ran off
September 14, 2005 at 12:40 am #9256Kit
ParticipantI’m sorry to hear that the child’s father ran off and hasn’t had any contact with his son. Does he at least pay some child support? I am very lucky to have a very loving and supportive husband who is sticking by my side through my pregnancy. Unfortunately you are not alone. In many cases the father runs off and doesn’t accept responsibility for his actions. I admire your strength as a single mother. You must be proud of your son.
September 14, 2005 at 4:25 am #9259Anonymous
Guesthi when i found out that i was pregnant i waited 2 days to tell my bf because i was still shocked. i was in san deigo when i found out it was around 11:25 am when my dr. called me when i finally told my bf he was shocked to. when we talked i knew that the info that he just recieved changed him. a week later after i told him he broke up with me he said that he found someone new because i "treated him bad". everyone that i told said that was a total lie – now he never calls me after he said that we would be friends and that he would call to check up on me but that never happens well i know how exactly how you feel well i am due may 11th 2006 a month before my graduation. bye
Post edited by: Julie, at: 2005/09/20 00:50
September 14, 2005 at 8:53 am #9266Anonymous
GuestI’m not with my son’s father now either; nor have I been with him since the middle of my pregnancy. I’m now with a wonderful man and we are six weeks pregnant. I hope that shines some light on your future!
I don’t get any child support either because he is a dead beat.September 15, 2005 at 9:00 am #9270Anonymous
Guesthi jemma. you’re definately not the only one out there who’s child’s father doesn’t play an active role in the parenting. i have a son who’s 18 months old and, though his dad is around some of the time, for the most part he spends a lot of his time at school. we both agreed that it would be better for him to finish his college career (and i am working on mine as well). he lives about 2 hours from us, and we rarely ever get to see him. it presents a lot of difficulty, not only for me, but for zephyr (my son) as well. z gets confused a lot about who is father is b/c his dad isn’t there a lot. he’s even called my little brother daddy b/c he’s the dominent male role model in zephyr’s life. i hope that your child’s father starts to play a part in his daughter/son’s life. it will be a rewarding experience, indeed. but i’m sure by now you already know that. good luck! 🙂
September 16, 2005 at 7:19 am #9280Anonymous
Guesthi im 16 and im im 4 months pregnant my babys father just realy dont care about his child but people say he will start to care when the baby is born but i dont tihnk so
September 22, 2005 at 9:51 pm #9334Develishangel56
Participantim glad im not the only one, he dn’t pay n e thing and i don’t think i want n e thing from him im with my bf n my son calls him dad now. The one thing im scared of is that he will come back 2 my life when my son is 6+ he sed he only likes kids from that age.
Jemma 🙂
September 23, 2005 at 9:05 am #9346Anonymous
Guestyeah i am in the same situation as you are… my sons father isnt involved but my boyfried is willing to step up to the plate and take on the huge responsibility of being a father when he knows the baby isnt biologically his… im happy for you and congratualtions!!!
September 23, 2005 at 9:55 pm #9352Develishangel56
ParticipantThanks have any one put your childs name in the father’s?? i did but i got pushed into it by his family but when he left i got it changed to mine. do n e of you feel bad about bringing your child up with sumone else sayin they will be the dad if the real father don’t want to. I felt bad at first coz im goin to have to tell my son that he is not his real dad and its goin to break my bf’s heart what would n e of you do
September 28, 2005 at 10:32 am #9417Anonymous
GuestIm 16 and due in a week from a rape so obviously my son doesnt have a dad. i have been in a relationship for about 8 months now with an amazing guy but as willing as he is to be there for my son i dont want him to act like a dad bc im too young to commit to a man other than my son, obviously wether on purpose or not u and i both rushed into pregnancy so why make it worce by rushing into a marriage or commitment with another man just so ur child has a "father figure" its more important to wait to be happily married than to rush or force a man who doesnt want to be a dad into fatherhood it will just hurt ur child in the end so my advice is be a young and happy single parent like me and we will find a wonderful man when we are ready
September 30, 2005 at 11:45 pm #9440Develishangel56
ParticipantIm sorry to here tht did u report it?? i didn’t rush i was on the pill n didn’t find out i was pregnant till 7 months gone. I told husband (just got wed 2 year early) that i didn’t want him to take over the father role but after 4months he wanted my son 2 call him dad i have known him 4 11years and i didn’t tell him 2 b a dad to my son he wanted 2 b the dad a hopefully we will start planing 4 another baby when i have done my training. But i have got on with my life now n happy n my heart is with my son n my husband
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